Words from the Bishop: Reflections


The “State of the 21st Century Church” seminar held on September 25th – 26th was a great success! A special “Thank You” is extended to Dr. Van Gayton, a biblical scholar and theologian, for expertly facilitating the teachings on Hermeneutics, Church History, Racism in the Church, and the State of the 21st Century Church. I’m confident that individuals who attended the summit increased in knowledge, understanding, and revelation of the conference topics while Dr. Gayton methodically and critically explained and interpreted the summit topics and Holy Scriptures.

For your convenience, the CD series of the State of the 21st Century Church Summit, to include Dr. Gayton’s Sunday morning sermon message entitled “The Glory Is In The Story”, are made available in the Rhema Media Center for a donation of $45.00. Additionally, lesson Powerpoint handouts, along with a bibliography of recommended books Dr. Gayton highly encourage as reading material, are also available. You can place your order at: rlmintl.rlmintl.org or call the Church Administrative Office at: 301-392-3502; or visit our Rhema Media Center.

Lastly, it’s my earnest prayer that you’ll personally invest in this teachable opportunity to intentionally implement biblical studies that will further develop your spiritual awareness, revelation and knowledge in the Word of God. By implementing such practices and principles, you’ll become more knowledgeable and equipped to influence this presence generation through the spreading of the gospel message in today’s difficult and challenging times.

May you continue to develop a heart and tongue of the learned!

Most sincerely,
Bishops Seal