Words from the Bishop – Thank you!

Bishop Daniel B. Salley Jr.I want to personally commend the RLMI family for supporting the recently held Eagles Rock Communion of Christian Leaders (ERCCL) Summit under our Presiding Prelate, the Honorable Bishop Eugene V. Reeves. Your financial support and selfless acts of service in making this grand occasion a great success, were greatly appreciated and acknowledged with much gratitude.  Thank you for extending your helping hands when such assistance was in great demand.

Pastor and I would like to personally thank the volunteers and attendees at RLMI’s Familyand Friends Day. Your support and acts of service were greatly appreciated and are acknowledged for making this occasion a great success!

On another note, I’d like to cordially invite the house of RLMI to assemble this upcoming Sunday, August 30, 2015, at our 9:00 a.m. morning worship service.  For your spiritual enrichment, we will have as our guest speaker, The Honorable Bishop Jonah Obonyo from Nairobi, Kenya.  He’s a man of God with a prophetic mantle and life changing message that’s preached and taught on a global and international platform. The Great Commission of Jesus Christ, as cited in St.  Matthew 28:19, is his worldview concerning worldwide evangelism.  Furthermore, he’s compelled to evangelize every nation, purposely compelling individuals alienated from the kingdom of God because of a lack of Christian faith, to receive the engrafted word of God through proper hermeneutics and exegesis of the Holy Scriptures.  For Christian believers of the faith, his inspirational and unadulterated sermon message will inspire as well as enrich your spirit, heart, and soul.  I highly encourage you to be in attendance at this service for I’m absolutely convinced that you’ll be tremendously blessed and spiritually edified.  I look forward to seeing you in the worship service.
God bless!
Bishops Seal