From The Pen of the Bishop!
Subject: An Invitation to Worship with Us
You and your family are cordially invited to celebrate Holy Week at Redeeming Life Ministries International.
The celebration started with the acknowledgement of our Palm Sunday services on March 20th. We celebrated the
triumphant entry of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as He entered the City of Jerusalem.
This week, we will celebrate Good Friday, March 25th, and Resurrection Sunday, March 27th. At our Good Friday Service, scheduled at 7:30 p.m., our Voices of Praise and liturgical dance ministry will present selections in honor of the occasion along with an inspirational word of encouragement presented by me. The celebration will conclude at our 9:00 a.m. Resurrection Sunday Morning Worship, as we corporately celebrate the occasion of our Risen Savior, Jesus Christ.
As we commemorate this very sacred Season, as the Church of God, let us purposely communicate God’s love to this present generation by lifting up our Savior, Jesus Christ, wherein the unsaved may be saved through His redemptive work finished at Calvary. St. John 12:32 says “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” Therefore, let us embrace this privilege and opportunity to invite our family, friends and neighbors to join us as we celebrate our Risen Savior, during our special services held in honor of this very sacred occasion.
For this Sunday’s 9:00 a.m. Resurrection Sunday Worship Service, it’s requested that the church family be dressed in white and/or purple. These colors represent royalty. However, in the event you have purchased a special Easter outfit or dress, please adorn yourself in it. Looking forward with great anticipation and enthusiasm in celebrating this very sacred occasion in honoring our Risen Savior, Jesus Christ!
Resurrection Day Seed
It is asked of all members of RLMI to prepare to give a special “Financial Seed,” of your choice, above the tithe & offering, at our Resurrection Sunday Morning Worship Service. Likewise, our guests and partners of ministry are also highly encouraged to participate in this special season of giving! We are believing God for a great harvest! Amen!
Thank you!