Occasion: Winter Weather Advisory — Exercise Caution & Stay Safe!
January 22, 2016
Greetings, grace and peace be unto you from the Father and our Lord, Jesus Christ!
As you know, we’re currently experiencing a major severe storm in our area which is dangerous and life threatening. It’s highly recommended and highly encouraged that individuals remain in their homes, stay warm, and off the streets. Therefore, saints of God, please adhere to the weather advisories for safety reasons. Proverbs 11:24 reads “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.”
It’s evident that, as a result of this severe storm, our January 24th, 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning worship service will be cancelled. Nevertheless, I personally encourage you to open your Bible, read a scripture of your choice or as the Holy Spirit leads, say a prayer, and give adoration unto the Lord for his goodness and faithfulness. Furthermore, at RLMI’s Online Store,www.rlmintl.org/shop, you can shop and download a previous sermon message preached by either myself, Pastor or guest speakers. You can also tune into a Sunday T.V. cable program that offers praise & worship and an anointed word that can feed your spiritual appetite. Notwithstanding, please do not take this shut-in to not express any form of worship and adoration unto the Lord. He’s watching and seeking such that will worship Him in Spirit and in truth. After such adoration, i.e., giving honor and praises to God, there will be the opportunity to give sacrificially unto the Lord. For your convenience, online giving is made available for you to support your local church, especially when inclement weather conditions prohibit our church doors from being open. Please note RLMI’s online giving information is noted below for your convenience and option to actively participate in this state of the art technology. Your giving in this manner will be greatly appreciated, understanding that the giving of tithes and offerings financially enables the local church to succeed in its kingdom mission endeavors.
Finally, please purposely pray for the well being and safety of all people during this winter storm. Always pray for Pastor and I, for we certainly desire your prayers. With anticipation and enthusiasm, we look forward to seeing you after the passing of this storm. Again, be safe and intentional in being compliant with the weather advisories!
In Grace & His Kingdom Service,
Bishop & Pastor