From our Bishop & Pastor!
New Year Salutation!
January 8, 2016
Grace and peace be unto you and your whole household!
Reflecting upon the Holiday season, Pastor Salley and I want to sincerely thank you for your many greeting cards and acts of love expressed to us. We’re highly grateful. Thank you!
For 2016, Pastor Salley and I bid you a joyous and prosperous New Year! As we approach this new year of change and opportunity, I’d like to briefly reflect upon the dynamic message entitled “Turn The Page” spoken by Pastor Salley, at our New Year’s eve service. This message was most captivating, thought provoking, as well as a blessing of hope for a more prosperous future in 2016. Leaving those memories of the past, whether favorable or unfavorable, to embark upon a more prosperous future of new opportunities was the compelling attitude of Pastor Salley’s message. Through such encouragement, you felt provoked and inspired to turn the page and commence writing a new chapter on pursuing life’s hopes and dreams. Therefore, let us intentionally turn the page of life and forge ahead to achieve life’s many opportunities which await us on our Journey of A Lifetime.
Lastly, in turning the page of life, let us give due diligence and attention to our 2016 church theme “Don’t Give Up, Go Through”! (Isaiah 43:2) With that said, regardless of your many life challenges and difficult moments, be confident in knowing that God will enable you to achieve success and victory in every facet of your life, if you do not faint and give up. Therefore, let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9) It’s our earnest prayer that you’ll experience an abundant life in Jesus Christ as you commit your ways and thoughts unto the Lord enabling him to direct your paths in life! (Proverbs 3:6).
May God enrich your life with His continuous blessings!
In His Grace and Kingdom Service,
Bishop Daniel & Pastor Barbara Salley”