Annual Leadership Training Day
November 14, 2015
9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Greetings, Grace and Peace be unto you!
This advisory is sent to you to solicit your presence in attending the subject training. Annually, this particular training is especially conducted for the purpose of making us better leaders and stewards overseeing the work of this ministry for which we all have a significant part to manage and ensure operational proficiency. To acquire and sustain a spirit of excellence, an organization with such an established reputation must purposely invest in its leadership infrastructure by periodically sponsoring training conferences and symposiums intended to best equip and develop its leaders. It’s for this reason, this training day is being held. Therefore, it’s my earnest request that you prepare to participate in this established training. At your earliest opportunity, and for planning purposes, please register online at “” and make your lunch selection. This subject training will commence promptly at 9:00 a.m. and conclude at 2:00 p.m. or earlier.
Finally, please don’t miss this opportunity to hear the The Honorable Bishop Eugene & Evangelist Ollie Reeves. I’m convinced you will be tremendously blessed by their training presentations. Please promptly acknowledge this email and advise of your availability and intentions. Thank you!
Redeeming Life Ministries International
Restoring Life and Honor Through the Word of God
Bishop Daniel B. Salley Jr. & Pastor Barbara A. Salley