From the Office of the Bishop & Pastor!
March 10, 2017
Pastor and I want to personally commend each of you for opting to participate in this special time of reading the Bible in one year. This reading will commence on Monday, March 13, 2017 and conclude on Tuesday, March 13, 2018. For your convenience, this reading plan is posted on our church website at: Please refer to it for your daily reading.
As participants in this endeavor, everyone is requested to have a reading partner during this distinguished journey. This partner doesn’t necessarily have to be an affiliate of RLMI; however, he/she should comply with the daily reading plan. Moreover, having a partner is envisioned to aid a participant in completing the journey while inspiring their partner to likewise succeed. As a focus of attention, we’re reading the Bible for information which can stimulate biblical studies in obtaining revelation. For instance, Apostle Paul writes to his apprentice, Timothy, “till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.” (Timothy 4:13 KJV). In extrapolating this text, the author explicitly communicated that daily reading of the Bible is highly encouraged for acquiring information, knowledge, and understanding of biblical doctrine.
Lastly, it’s our sincere desire that you prepare your body, mind, and spirit to thrive and flourish in this corporate undertaking. Furthermore, we pray that you set your sails to launch out into the deep purposely focused to attain knowledge of God through reading His written Word. Brethren, we’re in this endeavor together; therefore, please call for help when you experience rough waters that are calculated to frustrate, discourage, and impede upon your time and efforts in succeeding in your daily reading. We’re praying for you and your success!
Charis (Grace) & Shalom (Peace) Be Unto You,
Bishop & Pastor Salley