Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Praise the Lord!
Brethren, Pastor and I ask you to join us in the subject prayer vigil. In the early morning of March 23rd, in prayer, the Holy Spirit spoke to me about calling RLMI to assemble for a prayer vigil. The prayer vigil will commence Wednesday, March 25th at 6:00 a.m. thru Saturday, March 28th at 6:00 a.m.
Prayer segments will be done in 15-minute intervals around the clock until the prayer vigil is concluded. Furthermore, this vigil is done in addition to our 21 day consecration of prayer, as an effort to seek God’s intervention for a supernatural breakthrough that decimates the COVID-19 coronavirus and returns our Countries back to a sense or normality. More importantly, this endeavor requires full participation from the entire church congregation. Therefore, it is humbly requested that all members immediately sign-up to participate in order to create a prayer-chain that covers 72 hours of uninterrupted and continuous prayer. Upon this notification, please email our church at: and advise the church administrator of your time to volunteer for a segment of prayer. Thank you!